Welcome To:                             KeithHansen.info 





Keith Hansen is an independent technical consultant. Keith has over 15 years of experience as a Senior Data Manager, and Technical Data Warehouse lead Analyst in such diverse fields as Financial Services, Insurance, Marketing and Healthcare Research, and Energy. His analytical experience includes profitability, attrition/attraction values, credit scoring and marketing campaign management in Financial Services, Biostatistics research, and Healthcare. He graduated magna cum laude with a B.S. in Computer Science and is an expert in SAS, Data Warehouse technologies, Business Objects, SQL, ETL, MS-Excel, SQL SERVER, and ORACLE.


Keith at his home office in Jackson Michigan.




Keith is currently working on developing Android applications. His first free application for the Android platform is called “Kids ABCviewer” and can be found in the Android Market.






Keith can be contacted at:


Email: hansenkeithm@gmail.com

Phone: (517) 990-2151